Rule 067 | Coffee Is The Best Way To Ground Your Morning Routine

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Jessie unlocks the key to manipulation by taping a magazine tear to the front of the fridge. Now the Peppers are considering a brand new brewing contraption and Gerard’s recent facial hair makes him the perfect candidate for a Chemex. Neither partner can decide on the best approach to pest control, but Jessie's recent spider run-in is causing some extra urgency.

Don’t forget that we’ll send you a letterpress print when you post a shout out to social media...  just make sure to use the tags @meetthepeppers / #marriageisfunny and send us the screenshot before the end of 2017! 

Ps. - Want to come on vacation with us? We’re headed to Mexico with some of our favorite listeners, and you can find all the info at





  1. If you could add or remove one thing from your morning routine, what would it be?
  2. What is the best cup of coffee that you've ever had in your life?
  3. Which person in the relationship is better at bug squashing -- you or your partner?